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HITMAN 3 - Ambrose Island

Ruined path to the colonial outpost

Ruined path to the colonial outpost

Banyan trees growing on the ruins

Banyan trees growing on the ruins

The old entrance to the colonial outpost

The old entrance to the colonial outpost

The militia roams the colonial ruins - the destruction creates many interesting paths

The militia roams the colonial ruins - the destruction creates many interesting paths

Juspension bridge in the middle of the jungle

Juspension bridge in the middle of the jungle

Ancient tree worshipped by the locals

Ancient tree worshipped by the locals

One part of the colonial ruins is taken over by pirates

One part of the colonial ruins is taken over by pirates

back entrance to the jungle behind pirate territory

back entrance to the jungle behind pirate territory

The militia camp

The militia camp

Inside the militia cave where they have set up a temporary hideout

Inside the militia cave where they have set up a temporary hideout

Also being a Hitman game, of course we have trap doors...

HITMAN 3 World of Assassination - Ambrose Island
On the Hitman 3 live production I was in charge of creating roughly half of the level Ambrose Island at IO Interactive, a pirate/jungle themed island level set in the Chinese Southeast Ocean. The core team consisted of two environment artists and a level designer, Daniel Johansson, Bjarne Kristiansen and I. The map is consists of a village area where the fishermen live, a pirate base with their queen, a jungle area containing old colonial ruins and lastly a hidden militia base in a cave.

The level is constructed extremely modularly and the ruins are build using an architectural kit. We were heavily inspired by the Nicobar Islands in the Andaman sea, and sought to create an atmosphere of how it must feel to live in a poor post colonialized jungle island. The ruins are broken down and overgrown, the paths are covered in mud and undergrowth and the air is thick with mosquitos.

April 27, 2024